Study Abroad

students posing in front of building in paris

Your Next Classroom

Communication Studies participates in three different Study Abroad programs.

Comm Studies Abroad

Ever want to experience something beyond the pale? See or dive head first into new cultures and ideas? Our innovative world is your classroom approach gives you the freedom to explore the world and form relationships and memories that last a lifetime. Study COMM 1310, MU 2313, & Honors courses in London & Paris or Rome & Vienna. Pre Register Here.

Business Communication Abroad Program

Each year, Dr. Stephanie Dailey (Communication Studies) and Dr. Seth Frei (Management) teach a three-week program across multiple cities in Europe, focusing on communication in global organizations. Students earn six hours of upper-level credit for the education abroad program, which includes business site visits, cultural excursions, and free breakfasts! For more information, check out the program’s Instagram page or email Dr. Dailey at

  • Event Details:

    Program Title: Fine Arts and Communication Studies Abroad London and Paris!

    Courses: MU 2313, Comm 1310, Honors Sections Available

    Dates: Last two-weeks of May (With a post trip online component)

    Program Information: Take your favorite Communications class and do so while traveling! This is a great opportunity for those who are looking to broaden their education as well as cultural horizons.

    Instructors: Ian Davidson, Nico Schuler, Marian Houser, Michael Burns, Kristen Farris, Daris Hale.

    Cost Breakdown: $3,000 + Program fee, Eligible for Financial Aid.


    Additional Questions: Please email FACS for more information.

  • Event Details:

    Program Title: Good Trouble: Race, Memory & Communication in Montgomery, AL

    Courses: Comm 3016F, Comm 5329N

    Dates: July 5th-30th & Virtual Tours July 4th-9th

    Program Information: Study in America is going virtual this summer! In this virtual program, you can anticipate mastering the ability to describe critical events that occurred during the civil rights era.

    You will be able to compare the similarities and differences in the ways aspects of the past are recalled in the present, interpret and evaluate how communication about the past inform as the present and future, develop and use field notes in research projects, and to formulate and justify research projects that us theries associated with public memory, civil rights and race. Virtual tours wil also be offered to give you a taste of the traditional Study in America experience -- all while gaining course credit.

    Cost Breakdown:


    3 Hour Course Tuition$922.02
    Additional Program Fee$550.00

    Total Cost:




    3 Hour Course Tuition$1072.02
    Additional Program Fee$550.00

    Total Cost:



    Registration Information: Opens March 29th -> May 2nd on Catsweb!

Study Abroad Past Highlights

  • Event Details:

    Program Title: Fine Arts and Communication Studies Abroad London and Paris!

    Courses: MU 2313, Comm 1310, Honors Sections Available

    Dates: May 18th -> June 2nd 2019 (With a post trip online component)

    Program Information: Take your favorite Communications class and do so while traveling! This is a great opportunity for those who are looking to broaden their education as well as cultural horizons.

    Instructors: Ian Davidson, Nico Schuler, Marian Houser, Michael Burns, Kristen Farris, Daris Hale.

    Cost Breakdown: $2,400 Program fee, Eligible for Financial Aid.


    Additional Questions: Please email FACS for more information.

Summer at Oxford

Each year, Dr. Steven Beebe and students traveled to Oxford University for a month-long study abroad course to learn about the master communicator, C.S. Lewis. The trip was offered to both undergraduate and graduate students from all departments and was available for Honors credit. An amazing opportunity to learn about communication while exploring the beautiful sites of England.

Stephanie Dailey, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Director of Study Abroad

Office Location: CENTENNIAL HALL 322

Phone: 512.245.3856

Seth Frei Ph.D.

Lecturer & Director of Study Abroad

Office Location: McCoy Hall 524

Phone: 512.245.4089

Josh Miller Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Director of Study in America

Office Location: Centennial Hall Rm: 315

Phone: 512.245.3130
Email: jhm110@TXSTATE.EDU