Dr. Lee Williams

Dr. Lee Williams
About Dr. Williams
In 2010, Dr. Williams was recognized for his years of service to Texas State by receiving the University Distringuished Professor Award. He is also the 1994 recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching.
In addition to his teaching and research at the university, Dr. Williams has helped numerous organizations develop and analyze employee feedback surveys,as well as conducted communication analyses in hospitals, public utilities, publishing companies, and organizations in the communication industry. He was part of a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) in the Department of Education, which evaluated and compared drug awareness and prevention programs. He has published articles in journals including Human Communication Research, Communication Monographs, Communication Education, Journal of Applied Communication, Communication Quarterly, Communication Research Reports, and Sloan Management Review.
Previous Courses Taught
Comm 3301, Comm 3319, Comm 4331, Comm 4347, Comm 5329C, Comm5331.